Header :: Auto & Truck Recyclers of Illinois

Membership Benefits

Benefits of being an ATRI member include:

Illinois Green Car Program (Illinois Certified Automotive Recyclers)

Illinois Green Car recognizes and certifies that the member meets certain criteria in terms of environmental impact, safety, licensing and other regulatory standards as well as general business practices. This program is endorsed by the Illinois EPA and is cost effective. For just $50 a year you can become CAR certified through the National Association. ATRI has an established a working relationship with Illinois EPA so if you have questions for them but don't want to call, ATRI will be glad to make the call and provide you the answers.

ATRI Retains a Lobbyist Firm Full Time who oversees legislative issues pertaining to Illinois auto recyclers. ATRI engages in lobbying efforts and has established relationships with government agencies including the Secretary of State of Illinois.

Education and Training Opportunities

  • ATRI provides training throughout the year. Additionally, ATRI provides educational programs, social events, yard tours, and networking with fellow recyclers.
  • Opportunities to network, share and learn from other recyclers. See what works and what does not.

Annual Convention & Trade Show

ATRI brings to you the latest and greatest this industry has to offer on a yearly basis. It is a time for education and camaraderie with fellow recyclers from all over the united states. This event is known for its reputation as a well-attended event for auto recyclers and suppliers in the industry.

ATRI Newsletter is published 6 times a year. The newsletter is currently mailed to all recyclers in Illinois. The newsletter includes industry news, a complete listing of the membership, updates on legislative and environmental issues and lots of other interesting information I am sure you will find useful in your day-to-day business operations.

Website and staff accessibility, www.illinoisautorecyclers.com

  • All members are listed on the website with all of your information, including a link to your website, if available. You may also include your logo and a fifty-word blurb about your business.
  • Facebook Promotion
  • Newsletter archives
  • Calendar of Events, as they are scheduled.
  • Parts Search, an opportunity for each member to sell parts.
  • Suppliers list, a complete list of suppliers, associate members of ATRI.
  • All contact information for the ATRI Board of Directors and Staff.
  • Staff accessible to answer all your questions, or find the answer for you.
  • Information friendly, ask ATRI to email the membership with an article or question you may have.

All recyclers encouraged to join ATRI and make a difference by getting involved. Support your state association and reap the great benefits of the membership.

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